Saturday 7 May 2011

The Food Issue

I have been asked to lead workshops at the Caffe Culture Show - Olympia 18th & 19th May, noon to 1.30pm - on 'The Food Issue':

"How we can produce distinctive food in a small space with minimal equipment??  A workshop where we learn from the participants led by an expert cafĂ© consultant, Chris Brown of Turpin Smale Catering Consultancy.
Bakery cafes are the rage throughout Europe and innovative, distinctive food is a must.  Easily prepared and fresh is the mantra..

Obesity is a real challenge – how can we sell something that few of us should be eating?  The challenge of calorie count menus and pro-points.

The big chains have specialist food development teams and huge purchasing power – how the independent can compete, flourish and win out."
The sessions cost £50 and bookings are via the organisers at